We know your time is valuable so we show it's appreciated
by offering VIP Badge to everyone who opens
doors that help us grow.
We track likes, shares, reviews, comments and inquiries looking for
people who really want to have a bigger role in our community.
All of the following count toward gaining VIP Membership:
Write a review on us or a product - on our site, your social media apps, google or anywhere else (Give a lot of detail!)
Share/comment on our posts
Comment on our posts - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and more
Share/comment on our ads
Reach out to us with suggestions, experiences, ideas or ways you think we can improve
Basically, become a part of "us" in our effort to show others that they CAN say "NO" to the ordinary!
We'll send an email and make an announcement when VIP Membership is awarded!
If you feel we've missed something, or want to make sure we tracked it, let us know! We're happy to adjust.
PLEASE be sure to tag us in any posts or places you mention us to be sure we get notified.
The VIP section will offer special discounts, products unavailable elsewhere on the site and customization opportunities not available to others.
That's about it.... welcome and enjoy being unconventional and uncompromising!
Live life hard. Wear it well.
The Hardwear District Team